Timeline: An effective tool for storytelling ft. Elon Musk X Twitter

A timeline can be an effective way of storytelling and simplifying stories that can be complicated or have many layers. Here is an example – presenting the Elon Musk X Twitter Saga in a timeline format.

The Elon Musk Twitter timeline is an interesting one and one of the reasons being that the real-life tale in itself was dramatic.

A chronological arrangement of events in the order of their occurrence – Oxford Dictionary

Humans have made sense of everything through timelines, whether it’s their own evolution and history, the relation between Game Of Thrones and House Of Dragon, and even the more-so confusing Elon Musk X Twitter Saga.

A timeline is a textual or graphical representation of what happened and leads to the conclusion like a line of falling dominos, enabling the reader or viewer to draw meaning or value of an often complicated story. 

The professional use case applications of timelines are not just restricted to historical studies, and natural sciences, it is in fact one of the most effective tools for storytelling.

Storytelling has been deeply embedded in communications and marketing, especially as the ‘human need’ to be entertained transforms into the ‘human entitlement’ to be entertained. 

No viewer or consumer would provide seconds (not even 6) to a brand that simply states product features, but when it is weaved into a story, they just might give you a few hours. When you have their attention, the next step is to make sure the story is communicated effectively, this is where timelines come in and business storytelling becomes effective.

It is already validated that viewers are naturally inclined towards timelines, whether it’s going through their favorite artist’s discography or actors’ filmography; understanding the chronology of the universe, or absorbing the timeline of Star Trek. Various viewers, whatever their interest may be intellectual or leisurely, everyone is into tracking timelines.

The effectiveness of timelines stems from the categorization of information and the organized structure it provides to any story. It makes the communication effective enough for the viewer to recall important information, and also to connect the series of events. 

For instance, if a consumer wants to research a product they love and the brand has a graphical representation of the inception of the idea and major changes over the years in the form of a blog, such as this article by Nestle presenting the continuance of Maggi in India. It will trigger a deeper connection between the brand and the consumer and help generate consumer loyalty.

Now that the significance is outlined, acing this format is another challenge that can be overcome through a few simple steps that include clear language, fact-checking, and answers to a few simple questions – what, who, where, and when. Apart from the conclusion, these questions need to be answered through a natural progression of the timeline that fits into your larger business storytelling strategy.

To elaborate further on this we’ll go through the timeline of Elon Musk acquiring Twitter, to give you a representation of what has been discussed. The richest man on Earth acquiring a social network that holds USD 237.8 Mn daily active users has far more real-world consequences than what can be imagined. Social media’s impact on the real world has always been tangible and the acquisition holds monumental prominence in the digital industry.

To better understand the topic and give you a gist of what has been written about, here is the timeline of the Twitter and Elon Musk acquisition deal:

December 21, 2017

Musk expresses interest in buying

March 14, 2022

Elon Musk becomes the largest shareholder of the company with a 9.2% stake with a deal closed at an estimate of US 3 Bn, surpassing the shareholdings of a few of the largest shareholders such as Vanguard Group, BlackRock Fund, and Jack Dorsey

March 25, 2022

Musk advocates free speech on the platform and seeks public opinion on its adherence

April 5, 2022

Ex-CEO Parag Agrawal announces Musk’s appointment to the board

April 11, 2022

Musk refuses to join the board on the day scheduled for his official acceptance of the chair

April 14, 2022

Musk reveals that he made an offer to buy Twitter to solely own it. The letter sent to SEC confirmed the statement was filed with SEC on April 5, and amended on April 11

April 25, 2022

Twitter Inc announces a definitive agreement to be acquired and wholly owned by Musk upon completion of the transaction valued at 44 Bn USD, at the rate of 54.20 USD per share

April 26, 2022

Musk expresses that his vision for the platform and the objective to sustain cannot be achieved in its current form, and decides to privately own the company, and officially announces the deal

May 13, 2022

Elon Musk announces temporary hold on Twitter deal citing the problem of spam and fake accounts inflating the actual number of users on the platform

11 July 2022

Musk discontinues the acquisition, stating that the platform failed to provide information on spam and fake accounts, according to a motion filed by Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP on behalf of Elon Musk

July 8, 2022

Twitter appoints a US-based law firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz LLP, to sue Elon Musk and get the transaction completed

July 18, 2022

SEC publicly releases a notice dispatched to Elon Musk in June in relation to the Twitter deal, the note states that he failed to respond to comments issued to his legal counsel as of the date of the letter

August 5, 2022

Twitter files a motion in the court of Delaware making counterclaims to Musk’s reasons for terminating the Twitter deal, calling his claims “implausible and contrary to fact”

October 5, 2022

Twitter Inc announces Musk filed a letter with SEC to close the Twitter deal, and the deal would be closed at the original price


Twitter issued this statement about today’s news: We received the letter from the Musk parties which they have filed with the SEC. The intention of the Company is to close the transaction at $54.20 per share.— Twitter Investor Relations (@TwitterIR) October 4, 2022

October 27, 2022

Elon Musk enters Twitter HQ as the sole owner after the deal is closed.

Draw inspiration from this timeline format in storytelling, pay attention to where it’s applicable for you and get cracking on a relevant topic to your audience’s interest. 

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